Mg Roberts, Pt. 1: I begin again with omissions. I begin with the fragment,

For each day of National Poetry Month one of our fellows will explore the breadth of poetry in three ways: through a question from another fellow, through a poem and through a writing prompt, #writetoday.


Dan Lau asks, If an animal lives inside the spaces of your poem, what would it be and can you describe it?

Mg Roberts responds, 

Through an excerpt of something yet to arrive:
The Earth is lengthwise.
Arriving like a dissolved star, a collection of sounds interpreted or divined through curvature.
Folded under now in gesture, a starfish’ hard exterior overshoots the break in the rocks.
Tomorrow is still March.



I begin again with omissions. I begin with the fragment, which will never occur again, even in repetition.

I begin as a series of small bones projecting towards articulation. Finding something to say, linking direction and nothing at the same time: a vertebra. I want to write a book that describes the end of the disk, a small hole through which the spinal cord passes. I want you to be able to see it as I do. Pulsing.

In the peripheral landscape each parallel line attempts connection, searches for correspondence in dirt. Occupying a strange place I find myself physically insignificant in black and white stills reworked, bending.

Endlessly looped, and silent.



Born in Subic Bay, Philippines, Mg Roberts is the author of not so, sea; and she’s about to have her third baby real, real soon.

Dan Lau, Pt. 2, #writetoday

Imagine you’re in a deli that’s been owned by a family for generations. There are heavy legs of cured meat on the wall and lots of halogen lights illuminating the cold cases. Above the cases stands a man. In the man’s hand is a cleaver. In his other hand is a rag. Tell me what the rag looks like then tell me how the cleaver feels. If the cleaver could be anything else, what would it be? Is there regret?

Dan Lau, Pt. 1:

For each day of National Poetry Month one of our fellows will explore the breadth of poetry in three ways: through a question from another fellow, through a poem and through a writing prompt, #writetoday.


Jane Wong asks, "April is the cruelest month" (Eliot)—How does poetry make April less cruel? Do you see poetry as an act of kindness?

Dan Lau resopnds, I actually don’t think poetry makes it less cruel. I think poetry makes it more bearable. The act of sharing, of presenting a poem to the world seems to me an act of kindness on the part of the poet but more of a courageous act to lay one’s self bare and and allow for appraisal so that we may feel less alone. April will always be April. We don’t always have to be dicks.



I am a banker but my liver tells me no.

There is spring in my blood, some say too much.

I’ve exhaled all my arid discourse. I’ve thrown

the ledger to the kiln; the bright leaves shower from the throat

of its chimney. Something is missing.

Something has been removed. I’ve moved

my shoes to the right side of the door. The hens

only lay on Wednesdays. In the brightness of morning

there is only pollens’ yellow haze. Wet phlegm

slicks the marsh reed to my voice and yet I still sing;

this secret song. This song, a tear drop tainting the heart.

Mournful creation, I see it in my home. My city.

The bile rises through a tide of forgetfulness.

The preservation of practical dreams, the controlled

fire of a necessary camp ground. Sprinkle the civet

no one wants to bottle. Smear the thickness of ambergris

over my threshold. Where is the wrought desire for scent?

For the salt of cured pork shoulder? I will keep them with me;

the hyraceum, the resin of myrrh, a lamb’s belly wool.

These I keep for me and when they ask, I will show them

how to flay a beaver, how to watch the steam rise

from its open body and take what’s precious.

Dan Lau is a poet and educator that enjoys baking and fine drink.

Jane Wong, Pt. 1: To raise children with good legs and arms. / Isn’t this all we want?

For each day of National Poetry Month one of our fellows will explore the breadth of poetry in three ways: through a question from another fellow, through a poem and through a writing prompt, #writetoday.


Sally Wen Mao asks, Poetic windfalls are the best. Has there been a moment in your researching, drafting, writing, or revising stage where you found something (an experience, a new obsession, a curiosity, a discovery) that swept you toward renewing or invigorating your work or poetic practice? Describe for me what your poetic windfall is, and the adventure you had with it — if you can’t think of anything, then describe what your ideal poetic windfall would be!

Jane Wong responds, 

My understanding of a windfall is something that knocks you off your feet, in such a way that you’re unable to see the world the way you did before. I have been windfalling for a while! I remember reading persona poems like Thomas James’s “Mummy of a Lady Named Jemutesonekh XXI Dynasty” and thinking: what if you could write from the position of someone close to you? Does the line between yourself and the person become blurry? I’ve always been curious about the lives of others, particularly my parents. Sometimes, I feel like I know nothing about them - especially my father, who’s absent from my life. I started writing poems as if I were my father (as in “The Good Work”) and my mother (I just started a series of poems that embodies a year in her life). This windfall feels energizing and a bit risky. The gap between the familiar and the unfamiliar is much harder to bridge.



I left the light on in the kitchen again.

A spider burned in the bulb. It was a morning

owl who joined me in the song of its burning.

To raise children with good legs and arms.

Isn’t this all we want? I worry about my daughter.

To be a good man. To be good?

Across the street, a family clears logs from their front yard.

Cedar smoke fills the air. My breath splinters, I hold

a rest note too long. Arrested, always. The sky

is an ice pattern I could break open. I could

have been a mathematician. I could have loved my daughter.

Saddle up to me, I’d say. Let this horse do the work.

 (Previously published in The Journal)

The recipient of fellowships and scholarships from the U.S. Fulbright Program, Kundiman, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and the Fine Arts Work Center, Jane Wong’s poems can be found in places such as Hayden’s Ferry Review, Salt Hill, Linebreak, The Volta, Best New Poets 2012, and others.

Sally Wen Mao, Pt. 2, #writetoday

Write an epistle, or letter poem addressed to someone you’ve never met but envy, fear, or admire. The person can be a pop star, a movie star, a famous scientist, a great artist, a powerful CEO, an important inventor, etc.

As an alternative, write an epistle or letter poem to someone you’ve never met but pity. The person can be a pop star, a movie star, a famous scientist, a great artist, a powerful CEO, an important inventor, etc.

 Or write both epistle poems addressed to the same person. 

Sally Wen Mao, Pt. 1: Your smelt muscles sing. / The slag on your bones cannot die on this earth.

For each day of National Poetry Month one of our fellows will explore the breadth of poetry in three ways: through a question from another fellow, through a poem and through a writing prompt, #writetoday.

(h/t The Gypsy Astronaut)


Timothy Yu asks, Tell me about you and animals. You’ve got poems about Leviathan, poems about aquariums, poems where you’re a wild bird or living in a wolf den. And of course we all know your spirit animal is the honey badger. Why are these non-human creatures so important—so inspirational—to you and your poetry?

Sally Wen Mao responds,

The first “manuscript” I wrote for my undergraduate thesis was titled A Field Guide to Trapped Animals. Animals were my first ongoing poetic trope because there’s something very delicate and very fierce about animals—they have long existed in various tomes and discourses as the natural antithesis to humans, the primitivism to our civilization. To me, animal themes are not necessarily an antithesis of human ones—they’re so connected to our survival and our progress that often these animal themes reflect our own follies and desires more vividly than human themes. Animals are the subjects of most extreme cruelty and reverence; this contrast interests me. I think poetry’s natural habitat rests not in the ordered world, but the wild one. I’d like to return poetry to the wild. I want to investigate if language could survive in the wild—if language could even begin to explain the beauty and sublime endurance of the animal.

Sonnets for Kudryavka

                                                            (originally published in Post Road)

Kudryavka, before Sputnik

Toast to you, dog, for your solar-powered

organs. Your smelt muscles sing. The slag

on your bones cannot die on this earth.

From dumpster to rocketship, the true

rags-to-riches tale—and it’s not even

happening to a human. Not even happening

in America. World-famous gutter-sucker,

tonight you give birth to a new name: Laika.

Before any dog impregnates you, you will shoot

off into the galaxy. Mammal as asteroid,

ultimate runaway. Who are you, whose kismet

matches the greats—a martyr for thought,

like Socrates? Will you drink the hemlock

of space? You, Laika, original cosmonaut?

Kudryavka’s Sobriquets

Zhuchka, little bug: stray mutt covered

in snow—how many tulips have you eaten

since spring? How many cabbages drenched

in ruined milk? Limonchik, little lemon:

as a stray, you knew hunger so well you wrecked

your own mouth. In Moscow, they squeezed

lemons over your coat. The seeds stuck

to your damp fur, but the juice disinfected

you. As you licked your own neck, the taste sang

through your tongue. You howled and howled

and it opened your flesh and you were made

invincible. Laika, barker: you are that dog

whose face shined in red paint. You are that dog

they renamed so they can silence you again.

Sally Wen Mao is the author of Mad Honey Symposium (which will come out next month from Alice James Books! – Preorder here or here).

For each day of National Poetry Month one of our fellows will explore the breadth of poetry in three ways: through a question from another fellow, through a poem and through a writing prompt, #writetoday.


Tamiko Beyer asks, I love your “Chinese Silence” poems for their fierce, funny, and beautiful assertions of our API presence. In these poems you are—and we are—raising our voices in a culture that would have us be silent and docile. In thinking about the visceral casting off of this “Chinese Silence,” I wondered: if these poems were to manifest in music, what would that sound like? What voices, instruments, and sounds would compose it? What kind of playlist would reflect your voice and your work? If you were to expand it out to a community playlist of an “Asian American Roar,” would you have any rules or guidelines for it? If it were to live on the internet, where would it live?

Timothy Yu responds, Sometimes I think that the antithesis of “silence” is not “loudness” but something more subtle and menacing, like a creepy undertone in a familiar song—or like the “Jaws” theme, something you initially barely notice is there but that gradually intrudes on your consciousness, making you uneasy for some reason you can’t quite put your finger on.  While I’d love for these poems to enable an Asian American roar, I think that what they’re trying to do is more like undermining the music of American poetry, from the inside out.  Like hitting a bunch of dissonant notes in “America the Beautiful.”  Or the way John Cage uses silences as a kind of music.  Asking what it is that our silence says might be a way of clearing the way for us to make our own playlists.


Chinese Silence No. 41
after Geoffrey Nutter, “Sister Double Happiness”

Eating at American restaurants
in suburbs at midday—
Denny’s, Chick-fil-A,
Jimmy John’s, P.F. Chang’s—
where the snickering employees
are toiling, their registers
printing our receipts that say
“ching chong” and “lady chinky eyes,”
and the moo shu comes wrapped
in cold tortillas.
We will be turned away
from half-empty dining rooms,
or left unserved at tables
during lunch hour, drinking
nothing from our unfilled glasses,
and it is here
that our parched lips
and unseen eyes
will compose our silent poems.



Timothy Yu is the author of 15 Chinese Silences (Tinfish) and Race and the Avant-Garde (Stanford) and teaches at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Tamiko Beyer, Pt. 1: "trash collecting like snow drift / at the curb / we ash out the window we croon

For each day of National Poetry Month one of our fellows will explore the breadth of poetry in three ways: through a question from another fellow, through a poem and through a writing prompt, #writetoday.


Cynthia Arrieu-King asks, “What tends to stir your poetic impulses on the internet?”

Tamiko Beyer responds:

 10 things that stir my poetic impulse on the internet

  1. How it is, at its essence, a digital manifestation of the poetic leap
  2. What it builds through language
  3. How it is a tool by which we are changing the world for better


  1. Images that move me


  1. How I stumble into music
  2. Videos that delight and astound me (and I love that it was my mom who sent me the latter via email)
  3. How it connects us
  4. How it helps me remember
  5. Getting a poem every day in my inbox
  6. How it connects us



Push down to lock

- after Nan Goldin’s “Smokey Car,” 1979

when there was glow

and we cranked

a handle to roll

ourselves down

beer tab and sunlight

pulse and pulse :: once

fingertips ghosted windows

so I filled my lungs with smoke

let the seatbelt dangle full

of longing my denim hip

pressed firmly against yours

my face a thin thing

at your neck inhale sweat and want

my fourth rib and my fifth

knocking at the city skyline

trash collecting like snow drift

at the curb :: we ash

out the window we croon

lay me across vinyl seat split to foam

I am all leg

dearest, earlobe wet

to shudder



Photo by Kian Goh.

Tamiko Beyer is the author of We Come Elemental (Alice James Books) and a corporate-crime fighter.

Cynthia Arrieu-King, Pt. 2, #writetoday

Go to Wikipedia’s home page.

1) Collect a fact or two from the main page.

2) On the left hand side of the screen, click on “random article”.

3) Write a poem in which you connect the first two facts with the random article. This can be very loose: use words from each, connect the ideas with associative leaps, they’re all the same color, etc.

4) Mulch the material into a poem about connections (of any kind).

Cynthia Arrieu-King, Pt. 1: How often one is not asked what one is, where one is from.

For each day of National Poetry Month one of our fellows will explore the breadth of poetry in three ways: through a question from another fellow, through a poem and through a writing prompt, #writetoday.



Margaret Rhee asks, Recall a time when you felt a poem viscerally in your body. What was meaningful about the memory? About the poem?

Cynthia Arrieu-King responds, When I read most poems, I feel something viscerally in my body. That makes this question difficult. I have had the strange sensation while reading Stein that I am smiling on the inside though my face is not smiling. I have had the feeling while reading Neruda that I am a child who cannot stand being inside anymore and needs to go run through the streets. The poem “Walking Around” by Neruda made me run around in the basement for a while, jogging just like the speaker who “runs through the streets at night with a sexy knife, shouting until he froze to death”. I recall about the poem the swans made of felt, the sad Atget-dark type dentist offices. I remember the cold floor under my feet and feeling propelled forward towards knowing something. The thing in my mind that belongs to books, to imagined places and moments lodges in me as a beautiful ephemeral unfolding that’s always available, and somehow still, made of brain and blood, the imagined cold on my face.


Before the Party

How often one is not asked what one is, where one is from.

I study waterlines in the river,
count off the boats as each passes with strangers.

Melody out of its context, 
some unanswerable figment or fragment that hangs 
over the soon-on lights.

The way afternoon lays them all out together, 
a vased forsythia ready for more water.

To dream of being elsewhere and here at the same time.

To know that the party is difficult at first for everyone.


Out the window, they were throwing plantable hair, bundled grass-like hair.

Grass sparkled grass blue down to the East River,
Hasidem in Burberry high-necked blouses 
chased their kids and their kids’ yarmulkes and curls.

I was trying to solve the problem of where to begin
here where each cable of the bridge needs replacing
where the necessary trains run rarely, these
arms the gesture of futility where the woman 
and man walk the street in a bridal gown and tux.

Getting married, taffeta strong, concrete as hard.

The sign covered with white. No one down 
with a supposition that time could bend back to itself 
in the river where we’d been before.

I see you announcing nuptials and hurrying at the window 
to let in everything, doors open for normal life.


From here the Manhattan Bridge throws itself across.
White wire frantic in tension, the arcs laddered. 
Remember Brett, drunk, climbed the pilings, called
seven states at two a.m. from the cold metal 
between his legs, wind lashing his hair?
A total vertigo and that’s enough. Grand piano 
overlooking the East River, some gunwales, 
Whitman’s firehouse. Jared plays the piano.
The gasoline-fire-sunset extinguished hours ago, hours—


Maybe a chord throws you into the sky. The next tethers you back again.

My friend’s insistence on never being on time to parties, 
but playing one last stormy song on the piano.

I imagine the composer thirty years before capturing 
a kind of spontaneous aesthetic curl. A nap coming.
The maker made, the new man plays it.

Zero sense that a pianist loves the climb of notes: they appear into air.

They’re late for the party. People as notes. 
Long walk to the closet. 
Long walk to an arrangement of clean water glasses. 
Long walk to wash hands.
My friend has brought a coral sheet to throw over this afternoon.


The recalled cartoon: a man on a cell phone says,

“I am on the train, I am getting off the train, I am off the train.”

I am on the platform, I am getting on the train, I am on the train
and befriending the old skinny couple taking 
the same re-routing I had to take.

How about this air-conditioning? the old man asked. I remember 
when the train would run from 6th street with the doors
                                                 open and one fan blowing at the end?

He and his wife look like senior citizens robbed of their clothes 
and given the street-wear of hipsters, keeping up.


I recall reading at dawn102 comments on an article about regret:
The man who left his father’s deathbed to finish a report at Morgan Stanley; 
how he wishes he had just walked out of the office that day.

The woman who stayed with her terrible boyfriend 
who then left her childless forever.

Something like reading through essays about mothers who 
slap and handle their grown daughters.

My student who writes about a friend making her promise
never to tell and showing her 
a garbage bag that stinks and saying I had a baby 
and I look up from the essay
and don’t know who to tell or whether to at all.


I think of thinking-on-the-subway. 
Farrah throws the butt of a scarf over her shoulder before me.
I decide to make schemata on being in two places at once.

Liminal space of telephone talk, 
walking the beach, standing in the doorway.
Lintel and handset.

Is where the land and the sea meet really 
literature, like Bishop said?
Is half of one thing and half its opposite tossed together
really a story?

All the photos trying to tell a story 
rather than simply showing things as they are.


I think of Chopin, I think of Satie. 
My friend’s hands press out notes. 
Home mists to omission.
The almost-pain of saying goodbye quickly, 
the other person’s eyes already elsewhere. 
Not counting on the sound of 
reeds ticking together, the white gulls 
planted in the green. Right now, in the city.

They say browns and blacks against mostly white 
trick you into thinking 
you are looking at a dream.

Thinking of the great paintings of snow: what symbol 
A symbol of white over symbols of everything.
A gray nation floundering down until it gets a spray 
          of bright orange at its throat.


When you first arrive and stand 
by the forty-spice party hummus, you dream 
of an alleyway where no one can notice you.

This wisdom of taking forever to get out the door. 
Opening and shutting of drawers.

A word is a drawer. 
Scarf. Subway. Recollection. Leaving. Melody.

A limit, a border placed on the river edge, on the park boundary.
The edge of diesel-cigar-coffee-pigeon orchestrated scent. 
This game of guessing which composer wrote this.

Reading sheet music floating on the past, 
from memory placing the notes, silver and lilting.


I doze. I don’t know what happened in that dream except 
my brother gave me advice while he was 
a panda drowning in light. An almost Buddha.

The field stood still and rippled its reeds.


Thing itself a blueprint 
River never the same river twice, they say:

I ask Jared with his fingers tinkling out on keys 
who wrote that— this friend who knows every writer, every painter.

Out in Manhattan, the clouds shade something unseen from here.

He says I was making it up as I went along.


Cynthia Arrieu-King is professor of creative writing at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey.

Margaret Rhee, Pt. 2, #writetoday

1)Sit in front of your digital device (it can be your computer, tablet, phone) close your eyes and meditate on a part of your body that calls you. Now, open your eyes (you could keep them closed) and free write about that body part online. 

2) Situate yourself away from any digital device, close your eyes and again, meditate on a part of your body that calls you. Now, open your eyes and freewrite about that body part on paper.

3) Combine both freewrites into a poem. Now, read to me what you wrote.  



Margaret Rhee is a poet, scholar, and digital educator. 

Margaret Rhee, Pt. 1: Meditate and everything

For each day of National Poetry Month one of our fellows will explore the breadth of poetry in three ways: through a question from another fellow, through a poem and through a writing prompt, #writetoday.



April Naoko Heck asks:

Respond to one: social media is good for my poetic creativity or social media is not good for my poetic creativity.

Margaret Rhee responds, 

I’m inclined not to answer yes or no to the question, as I’m still exploring whether social media is good for my poetic creativity. But I’ve been fascinated and inspired by the ways contemporary poets work with the limitations and possibilities of social media formally.
How enjambments shift according to the 140 characters as a tweet, for example. And how space in a poem or within the constraints of interface has meaning. Poets doing real interesting work on social media that I’ve been following include Ron Villanueva and the rapper Lyrics Born. I love Ron’s sonnet, Fossils, at Twitter very much.
I teach Asian American reading and writing at UC Berkeley, and actually taught Lyrics Born’s #YesBayArea as a core text. The students really loved the collection and writing on twitter as a pedagogical practice. It was a great introduction to experimental poetry as well. 
Experimenting with twitter and other social media as poetic and pedagogical experiments has been fruitful. I think it’s important for poets not to dismiss the intersections of technology and poetry and instead look at the possibilities, while remaining critical. It’s a juxtaposition we have to hold.  
While we need to be cautious of the limitations of technology, of course, (I’m thinking of the not very thoughtful MOCCS in creative writing for example) there are always fascinating ways technology can converge with poetry. As Ron Villanueva’s work and others illuminate, some really beautiful lines emerge from social networking site. Lines not intended by the designers, but historically, artists have always reimagined the possibilities of technology. 
Right now, I’m working on completing my manuscript of robot love poems, and interestingly enough, I’ve found I can only write them online. When writing poems, I tend to write longhand and on paper, but for these robot love poemas, for some reason, the Internet as interface inspires my writing. Perhaps I’m communicating love with my OS. Perhaps she is writing them. 


Love, Robot

For Dmitry

I liked to watch you shower because you closed

your eyes in the water and slightly parted your

mouth. How I envied you while I brushed my

teeth and saw how alive you were even just

cleaning yourself. So mundane everything

about me. And how present you were, the

mirror steaming up, covering my face. I told a

robotics poet this story and he said I know how

you can have that too. Meditate and everything,

even the crumbled leaves on the sidewalk will

be alive. Now, the gusts of wind carefully cradle

my face. I feel my breath through my mouth

down my throat into my fleshy pink insides. I

am ready to try. We made a robot together, one

that walked with a slight limp. It only took a

slight press with the soft parts of my fingers to

make her blink red. A sharp twist of copper

wires to make her hum. An algorithm to make

her stay still as I slowly turned on the faucet.

She wanted to turn away but I coaxed my robot

not to be afraid of the water. To open her

mouth. To let everything rinse away by the

spark of electric light.

Previously published in Mission At Tenth: Inter-arts Journal



Margaret Rhee is a poet, scholar, and digital educator. 

April Naoko Heck, Pt. 2, #writetoday

April Naoko Heck finds inspiration for today’s writing prompt from the poet Bhanu Kapil, writer of the collection The Vertical Interrogation of Strangers. 


Create a numbered list of directions on how to write a poem. See Bhanu Kapil’s excellent poem below.

How To Write A Poem, by Bhanu Kapil  (h/t  Nounscape)

1. Eat the raw heart of a horse. This will distinguish you from a cast of thousands. 

2. Are you an urchin? If so, consider writing a novel instead. 

3. Have carnal encounters with anyone but another poet. For obvious reasons, you do not want to set a plot line in motion. (See: 2.)

4. As Paul Thek said in 1972: “Redesign the human genitals so that they might be more equitable.” (See: 3.)

5. Select notebooks with great effort, using every ounce of your psychic intensity. I once casually purchased a soft cover moleskin. What a disaster! (I wrote on my knees. The notebook wouldn’t open flat.)

6. Bioluminesce. Write sentences in a darkened room. Lie on the floor and have other people gently rearrange your limbs. A poetry of hotel rooms, jungles and urban aquariums: 


7. Reveal your soft side. Populate your work with rueful remarks, owl bones, ice flowers on the Big Thompson, the slow motion collapse of a girl to the ground, and so on. Keep doing this until you’re performing, almost by chance, a gruesome scene.

8. In the ivy. On the asphalt. Lie down forever, or just for a few minutes, in the place where your poem is set. 

9. Attend a world conference of people working on the same things as you but from a different perspective. For example, in March, I attended the third congress of the World Association of Cultural Psychiatry. There, in Mile End, I studied schizophrenia, the figure of the immigrant and the ways in which built environments affect the rates of affective and reactive psychosis in black and ethnic minority populations. To me, this was the deepest poetry. 

10. Be alone as much as you can, like a mythical monster. Create hand-drawn mandalas of your subject matter, then annotate (with lightning bolts and a felt tip pen): 


11. Drink coffee with other poets. While one of you rests their head on the table, the other one writes an entire book in one sitting. Alternate. Repeat. (Writing and dreaming like this.)

12. What is the role of commas in your work? People asked me this a lot when I first started writing poems. 

13. Invent a form that allows fragments to have their own life. To recombine. Or perhaps to simply die off, emitting pink, luminous flares just beyond the range of a society’s vision. In this sense, all form is diasporic: a “territory without terrain.”

14. Bathe in goat’s milk, rosewater, and volcanic salt by candlelight, if for some reason you cannot write a thing. 



April Naoko Heck’s first collection of poems, A Nuclear Family, was published by UpSet Press in March 2014. 

April Naoko Heck, Pt. 1: I ran and ran, the sun dropped and turned/ the water to milk

For each day of National Poetry Month one of our fellows will explore the breadth of poetry in three ways: through a question from another fellow, through a poem and through a writing prompt, #writetoday.


R.A. Villanueva asks, When you look over the poems you write, can you notice patterns? Fascinations and obsessions? What’s the most surprising way those fixations make themselves known in your work?

April Naoko Heck responds with a collage of the instances “milk” appears in her first book, A Nuclear Family (Upset Press).



Three days I have been inside the belly of a whale

here inside a pink hot air balloon, a bellows, a bellowing, a belch,

here swimming salt-stung seawater, krill, ribbons and tongues of oil-slick kelp,

here among tin star glitter of minnows, fanned-fins, fanfare of tails,

here inside the ocean’s mammalian breath, mammoth babe, gentle

killer, the weight of storms surrounding, close as a giant’s fist,

here inside a blue drifting isle,

my escape and hatching from a sinking ship, my sin, my god, can I climb the ladder of ribs

as Osiris climbs his mother’s spine to heaven, can I tumble up

the waterspout, slither and squeeze out a second canal,

rebirthed, spit out of the mothering mouth,

oh mercy, oh me, three days alone with my thirst, a hot throat within a throat



April Naoko Heck’s first collection of poems, A Nuclear Family, was published by UpSet Press in March 2014. 

Write Today: Wordle + Google Translate

mooncity's wonderful poem from yesterday's prompt:

day 1 of napowrimo. mine with the prompt below

walls of the teeth

i remember the sweat and time
moving transcendent. our bodies swelling
clouds. bellies full of water and acid,
your hands tough and blisters full of

teeth. we rise like smoke, like vapor,
like ghosts without a tail, steam lifting
from a boil. mixing with air is

hard work. small
bits of dust get stuck in our teeth.
we rush for the sun only to be forced
back down toward the earth.

what’s that in your mouth, spit or sweat?
the walls of your teeth are sucking you
dry. keep your eyes on the ground.
aim for the river.


For this exercise, resolve some writing demons by using the text of a poem you’ve been struggling with lately. To help explain directions, I’ll be using the lyrics from (Queen) Be(yonce)’s Superpower.

1) Make a Wordle from the text. It will look something like this:


2) Use

Cathy Linh Che

Kundiman fellow, Cathy Linh Che, is featured on the NPM Daily blog.



Cathy Linh Che is the author of Split (Alice James, 2014), winner of the 2012 Kundiman Poetry Prize. She has been awarded fellowships from Poets & Writers, Hedgebrook, Poets House, and The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council’s Workspace Residency. She currently lives in Brooklyn.


Write Today: Wordle + Google Translate

For this exercise, resolve some writing demons by using the text of a poem you’ve been struggling with lately. To help explain directions, I’ll be using the lyrics from (Queen) Be(yonce)’s Superpower.

1) Make a Wordle from the text. It will look something like this:


2) Use Google Translate. Translate a line that includes one of your most prominent words, translate that to another language, translate that to another language, do that as many times as you want and then translate it back to English.

I translated a line from English to Traditional Chinese to Latin to Haitian Creole to English. 

The lyrics, “The laws of the world tells us what goes sky” became ”And we shall reign on the earth, what clouds of heaven.”

3) Write a four stanza poem with the translation as your first line. Feel free to use Google Translate to generate the first line of each stanza.

Did you make a great poem? Are you sharing it on your blog or part of it on Twitter or Facebook? Tag it so with #writetoday and let us know!