We are thrilled to announce the 2024 Postcard Poem Exchange, which will take place this April for National Poetry Month. Kundiman has historically partnered with the Poetry Coalition for this project, which typically incorporates themes of social importance. While the Coalition will not be participating this year, Kundiman's theme for this year's postcard exchange is "Imagining AAPI Futures," as we celebrate Kundiman's 20th anniversary and look ahead to our collective futures.
Postcards from the 2023 Postcard Poem Exchange. Photo credit: Na Mee.
Throughout the month of April, Kundiman Fellows and the community will participate in this exchange, involving writing and mailing postcard poems engaging with this theme. Weekly photo recaps of the Postcard Poem Exchange will be shared on our social media pages.
Please join us by writing your own postcards and sending them out to loved ones! Share with us @kundimanforever and the hashtag #KundimanPostcards, or send to amara@kundiman.org.