Kundiman Harassment policy
Kundiman is meant to be an intimate, generous, and nurturing space where writers of color can be in community with each other and feel safe to express themselves. It is the policy of Kundiman that no member of the Kundiman community—fellows, faculty, administrators, staff, contractors, or third parties—may harass any other member of the community. This is a zero tolerance policy. Any form of harassment violates the community values and principles of our organization and disrupts the living and learning environment for fellows, faculty, staff, and other community members. Harassment is any behavior, whether verbal, written, or otherwise, that is unwanted and unwelcome, and may offend, or humiliate, an individual. Harassment can be discrimination or abuse of various types, which includes, but is not limited to, conduct that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive environment; conduct that has the effect of interfering with an individual’s activity in Kundiman programs; and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct that is severe, persistent, or pervasive to limit a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from a Kundiman program or activity.
A form of harassment includes sexual harassment, which is any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances and the use or threatened use of sexual favors as a basis for Kundiman program decisions. Romantic or sexual relationships that might be appropriate in other contexts may be inappropriate within Kundiman programs. Kundiman instructors are in a position to influence participants’ educational and professional experiences and are charged with the responsibility of assisting or protecting participants. It is therefore a violation of this policy for romantic or sexual relationships to transpire in which one partner is in a position of power or authority over another.
Some examples of harassment may include (but are not limited to):
Flirting with someone at an inappropriate time (e.g. in a class or workshop) is considered sexual harassment, even when these advances could have been welcome in a different setting.
Pressure for a dating, romantic, or intimate relationship.
Unwelcome sexual advances
Unnecessary references to parts of the body
Remarks about a person's gender, nonconformity with gender stereotypes, or sexual orientation
Sexual innuendo or humor
Sexually explicit profanity
Stalking or cyberbullying that is based on gender or sex
Sexual assault or violence
Verbal harassment, including name-calling, insulting remarks, and jokes
Spreading rumors and/or telling stories whether true or not about an individual
Repeatedly and persistently contacting an individual
Demanding things from individuals, whether money, favors, acts, or otherwise
Sending out pictures, emails, texts, or online posts about or directed to an individual
Posting pictures or posters of an individual in public or online electronically
Email, texting, and Internet use that violates this policy
Pursuing or flirting with another person persistently without the other person's willing participation.
If a complaint of harassment is found to be substantiated, appropriate corrective action will follow, including separation of the offending party from Kundiman programs and activities. Upon receipt of a complaint, the organization will undertake a prompt, thorough, objective, and good faith investigation of the harassment allegations.
Kundiman prohibits retaliation against anyone for registering a complaint pursuant to this policy, assisting another in making a complaint, or participating in an investigation under this policy. Anyone experiencing any conduct that they believe to be retaliatory should immediately report it to the Kundiman Managing Director or Executive Director.
If you believe you have been harassed:
Contact the Kundiman Managing Director Kyle Lucia Wu (kyle@kundiman.org) or Executive Director Cathy Linh Che (cathy@kundiman.org).
Don't blame yourself.
Don't delay reporting a problem.
If you witness or become aware of possible harassing conduct by others:
Contact the Kundiman Managing Director or Executive Director.
If you think you may have offended or harassed someone:
Don't assume others will tell you when they feel offended or harassed by what you say and do.
Examine how others respond to what you say and do.
Change your behavior.