FAQs about the Kundiman Retreat:

The annual Kundiman Retreat will be on hiatus for the coming year. We fully expect the Retreat to resume following the completion of this important work, and we look forward to providing writers with a safe and instructive Retreat environment in the future. For more information, please see our announcement

In the meantime, we invite you to participate in our Regional Groups’ year-round activities for exciting opportunities to connect with other writers. Kundiman Regional Groups host virtual and in-person events – including readings, salons, meetups, and workshops – both nationally and internationally.

Retreat Costs and Deadlines

Q: How much does it cost to attend the Retreat? 
A: The tuition fee for our Retreat is $375 (room and board are provided), and the application fee is $25. For 2024, we are fundraising for a fee-free Retreat, so our goal is to be able to provide the Retreat at no cost to applicants and accepted Fellows. 

Q: What is the deadline for applications? 
A: The Kundiman Retreat is open for applications typically between December 1st and January 15th, with notifications given by mid-March.

Q: May I submit my application after the deadline?
A: Unfortunately, we cannot accept any applications after the deadline.

Application Guidelines 

Q: Who can apply for the Retreat?
A: Anyone who self-identifies as AAPI can apply to the Retreat. 

Q: Can I apply if I live outside of the U.S.?
A: We welcome anyone who self-identifies as AAPI to apply.  

Q: Are there any age restrictions to apply?
A: All applicants must be 18 and over. 

Q: How are applications evaluated?
A: All submissions are anonymized and evaluated by a group of readers that varies from year to year and includes a range of ages and writing experience levels.

Q: Can I apply in both genres?
A: Yes, you may apply in both poetry and fiction but should submit a separate application for each genre.

Q: I'm a creative nonfiction writer. Can I apply to the Retreat?
A: Currently Kundiman’s Retreat only serves poets and fiction writers.

Q: I am a current Kundiman Fellow/alum. Can I return to Kundiman, but study under a different genre than the one I was accepted into?
A: In order to study in a different genre, returning Fellows will need to submit an application in the other genre.

Q: May I submit previously published work?
A: Yes.

Q: Can I submit an excerpt of a longer piece of writing?
A: Absolutely! You can include in your cover letter a note stating that your submission is an excerpt.

Q: For poetry samples, is it necessary for each poem to start on a new page?
A: Yes, a new poem should start a new page. Please stay within the 5-7 page limit with that in mind.

Q: If I’m applying for fiction, may I submit screenplays?
A: While what you submit is up to you, the Retreat does not teach screenwriting, so submitting an excerpt from a screenplay might not be the best example of your work as a fiction Fellow. 

Q: Your Submittable instructions say to put in a title for the submission. Are there any rules or expectations for this field?
A: The title can be anything you would like, as long as it does not include your name or any other identifying information. 

Q: Can you clarify what you mean about “identifying information”?
A: Before you submit your application, we ask that you do not include your name in your cover letter or writing sample. Please don’t include your name on your work sample files. 

Q: Does the cover letter need to be double-spaced?
A: No, it does not need to be double spaced. 

Q: Can I receive feedback on my application?
A: Unfortunately, we are unable to provide feedback on individual applications.

Q: I messed up my application. May I re-submit?
A: You may withdraw your application and resubmit before the deadline. 

The Retreat

Q: What is a typical day at the Retreat like?
A: The schedule includes meals, workshops, seminars, craft classes, salons, and mentorship meetings. Optional evening activities follow. Below is a typical Retreat day schedule.
8:00 – 9:00 am: Breakfast
10:00 am – 12:00 pm: Spark Writing Exercise
12:30 – 1:30 pm: Lunch
2:00 – 4:30 pm: Workshop
5:00 – 6:00 pm: Dinner
8:00 pm: Salon Reading
9:00 pm: Evening Event

Other questions? E-mail: info@kundiman.org