As part of a weekend that includes a workshop stint with Hugo House, Denver-based poet Diana Khoi Nguyen and Kundiman fellow reads at Elliot Bay Books, with a striking debut collection in hand, Ghost Of (Omnidawn). Selected by Terrance Hayes for a publication prize, this is a powerful look at a family riven by history, exile, and loss.
Also reading are poets Prageeta Sharma and Ryo Yamaguchi. Prageeta Sharma teaches in the creative writing program at the University of Montana, and is the acclaimed author of four collections of poetry; the most recent is Undergloom (Fence Books). Ryo Yamaguchi works at Seattle-based Wave Books, and is the author of The Refusal of Suitors (Noemi Press).
Facebook event page here.
"Nguyen’s voice is both wraithlike and astonishingly frontal; this is one of the most gifted first books I’ve read.” —–Terrance Hayes.